Funds Activities That Will Advance Your Artistic Career or Practice in Canada in Prince Edward Island (Canada)

GrantID: 20362

Grant Funding Amount Low: $300

Deadline: Ongoing

Grant Amount High: $3,000

Grant Application – Apply Here


Funds activities that will advance your artistic career or practice. This may include acquiring materials for artistic production, engaging in career or artistic development activities or benefitting from specific expertise, advice or training from a professional artist or cultural carrier.  Each year (1 January to 31 December), you can apply to this component twice and receive a combined total of $3 000.

Eligible Regions


Eligible Requirements

Additional Criteria of

Additional Funding in

Estimated Size of Grant

Contact Info

Funding Source


This grant is meant to financially support organizations or entities that focus their efforts on, but not limited to: Arts, Culture, History & Humanities, Black, Indigenous, People of Color, Individual, Non-Profit Support Services, Other in Prince Edward Island (Canada).